Wednesday 16 September 2015

Cornell University

Cornell University 

The Princeton Review recently ranked colleges based on reviews from 136,000 students at 380 top colleges. Students were asked to rate their schools on dozens of topics and report on their campus experiences. The rankings revealed that Cornell University's Cornell Daily Sun has the best student newspaper.

best university for engineering

In addition to displaying the strength of its writing program, a college's school newspaper can reveal a lot a lot about its campus culture and student involvement. Student publications with diligent reporting can give current and prospective students  realistic insight into a school's community.

types of colleges that could help them achieve their future goals and dreams," Robert Franek, Princeton Review's senior vice president-publisher, said in a statement. "Every college in our book has outstanding academics. While our purpose is not to crown one college academically 'best' overall or to rank the schools 1 to 380 on any single topic, our lists provide direct student feedback on the schools' campus culture, program offerings and cost. Our goal is to help applicants choose and get into their dream college -- the college best for them."

best university in the world

Top 10 Colleges With Best College Newspaper

Cornell University (Ithaca, N.Y.)

Yale University (New Haven, Conn.)

Pennsylvania State University -- University Park (University Park, Pa.)

Loyola University New Orleans (New Orleans, La.)

Columbia University (New York, N.Y.)

University of California -- Los Angeles (Los Angeles, Calif.)

University of Virginia (Charlottesville, Va.)

Fordham University (Bronx, N.Y.)

Syracuse University (Syracuse, N.Y.)

Tufts University (Medford, Mass

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